Dewhurst St Mary CofE Primary School

  • Diocese of St. Albanss

School Meals 

School Dinners

Pupils enjoy their midday meal in the dining hall. There is a choice of school dinners – a meat dish, a vegetarian option or a school packed lunch.

Packed Lunch 

Pupils are also permitted to bring their own packed lunch from home but should not bring fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets.  We encourage pupils to bring in fruit and/or vegetables if having a home packed lunch.

Healthy Lunchbox Recipes

Payments  and choices for dinner are all taken on our 'School Gateway 'app.

Link to log into School Gateway

On the School Gateway app you can also where you can choose your meal in advance. You can choose whether to have a school dinner on any day, just remember to order by 8am. If you are absent from school you must remember to cancel the meal before 8am or you will be charged. 

Our system is very flexible. Dinners can be chosen on occasional days or ordered for three weeks in advanced.

Food Allergy /intolerances

For primary school pupils with food allergies or intolerances, parents and guardians can access our Allergy Management System. This system ensures that your child’s food medical requirements are managed. This is separate to the information provided to our office when starting our school. This works directly with the catering team.

To access our Allergy Management System


School Snacks Fruit/Veg  or plain breadsticks

We are very pleased to be part of the Governments’ School Fruit Scheme, which provides a piece of fruit to every child from Reception to Year 2. Children are also welcome to bring their own fruit in addition to this and we are very happy for our older children to bring a piece of fruit to school to eat during the morning break. All children are encouraged to drink water regularly – either from our drinking fountains or from their own water bottles.

Please ensure that should you like to provide your child with a snack that it is a healthy option. Plain bread sticks are an alternative to fruit we will not allow chocolate bars, processed fruit bars, cereal bars, fruit flakes/winders,  yogurt, crisps, cakes or any other lunchbox item as morning snacks. These are all suitable for Lunchboxes only.

School Lunches

At lunchtime your child may have a school meal or bring a packed lunch from home. Our school meals are cooked on-site by our catering team from Herts catering. Dewhurst St Mary is proud to be a healthy and nut free school. Please could you ensure that your child does not bring any nut products in to school as their snack or as part of their lunch. If your child is found with nut products, these will be removed from your child and disposed of for the safety of our children with severe nut allergies.