Religious Education
Reception LearningRE Policy 2024-2027
RE Whole School Long Term Plan
Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. RE is an important subject in itself, developing an individual’s knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of our society. Religious education provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. The following concepts are taught across the key stages; Beliefs and Practices, Sources of Wisdom, Symbols and Actions, Prayer Worship and Reflection, Identity and Belonging, Ultimate Questions, Human Responsibility and Values and Justice and Fairness.
At Dewhurst St Mary we develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, of other principal religions, other religious traditions and worldviews that offer answers to questions such as these. RE also contributes to pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society. RE can also make important contributions to other parts of the school curriculum such as citizenship, personal, social, health and economic education. It offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, deepening the understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of others.
Provision in Religious Education is compulsory for all children in maintained schools. We follow the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus. Teaching and learning has been developed through supporting guidance such as Religion for Today and Tomorrow and Understanding Christianity.
RE learning in Reception takes place in accordance with the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus 2017-22, which is planned in accordance with the Early Learning Goals and Development Matters.
As a church school, we have close links with St. Mary’s Parish Church, their clergy and other local church schools.
Wisdom is better than strength.
Ecclesiastes 9:16